The Fragrance of His Knowledge

2 Cor 2:14 “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. “

This verse came up in my devotional this morning. My favorite part of this is verse is “through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge”.  The word “Diffuse” means to spread or cause to spread over a wide area.  A “fragrance” is a sweet smell.   When we are operating “in Christ” we have a sweetness about us. It’s His fragrance of love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, mercy and grace that brings us peace. If we are wearing His fragrance, those around us will experience it.  

Have you ever worn a perfume or cologne that others were attracted to?  People enjoy it so much they have to know what it is and where to find it. Millions of people are into essential oils. Everywhere you go you see them, along with their diffusers, for sale. The diffusers help spread or fill a room with a lovely fragrance. Everyone who walks into the room gets to experience and bask in the pleasant aroma. If we put that into perspective of our faith, are you emitting an aroma (the characteristics of Christ) that others are attracted to?  Do they want to know where you got it? Would you be willing to share it? As believers we should desire to be a diffuser of His knowledge. Showing others the same fragrance is available to them.

In photography a “diffuser” is a device that spreads light from a light source evenly reducing harsh shadows. If you’ve had your photo professionally taken they sometimes looks like a large umbrellas or screen used to move the light and illuminate shadows. Isn’t that what knowing Jesus is all about? We know from reading the Bible that Jesus is the way, the truth and “the light”.  We also know we are called to share the gospel with others. So my challenge to you today is, to put on the sweet fragrance of Christ, and let those whom you encounter experience Him.  You may be the only fragrance of Christ they experience, so make it a wonderful experience leaving them wanting to know Him more.  Fill the shadows of this world with His light and make it a better place. 



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